Your kingdom come, your will be done!
Community and mission center with reach into Europe and the whole world
We love Jesus and his wonderful Holy Spirit. We love people and our Father in heaven. We love the body of Christ and the nations.
We live together in our mission and evangelism center. Whether the new believer from the street, the missionary or the short-term visitor - we share our daily lives and everyone should experience Jesus, the love of the Father and the Holy Spirit. He works deliverance and healing, calls, equips and sends.
With the saving message of Jesus, we go into the city, to the surrounding countries and all over the world. Teams from everywhere are welcome to live with us and reach our city and the nations with the gospel.
At the House of Prayer, we immerse ourselves in the presence of God and the fire of the Holy Spirit, pray for nations and gather the body of Christ in seminars and events.

Come over. Here are the possibilities:
Community life is a place of discipleship, of equipping, of transformation through the Holy Spirit. This happens when we come together in the prayer house, but also at meals around the table, when we work or evangelize together. You can join for a longer or shorter time.

If you come from a difficult background such as addiction or are new with Jesus, get in touch and find out if this is the right place for you to become free, healed and strong in your walk with Jesus.

Would you like to come to Vienna with a team to do an outreach, pray, evangelize or prepare for mission? Whether you are from Austria or from other countries - you are welcome to live with us in our mission center. Just get in touch and find out about the time frame and conditions.

You can come to us for outreach. From time to time there are certain weeks for outreaches, which you can find here, but you can always contact us for other options.

We love the body of Christ and believe that Jesus wants to gather us from different denominations, groups and churches in his presence. That's why we have Jesus Nights, prayer meetings, seminars with speakers and other events. You are very welcome!
House of Prayer - If you would like to pray in our House of Prayer, you are welcome to contact us.

Jesus Night - every 4-6 weeks, usually Saturday 7 pm. You can find the next dates on our social media accounts.
Encouraging, inspiring and exciting. Subscribe to our newsletter with lots of photos, reports and testimonies. It is published at least twice a year.
Available by e-mail or post - if you would like to receive the print version, simply send us your address using the contact form.
Donate for us
Whether one time or regular, large or small amounts. With your donation, you have a share in what God is doing here. Thank you for your support!
Where to find us
You are welcome to get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!
If you would like to receive our newsletter by post, send us your address here.
1210 Wien