HELP Philippines

HELP Philippines

Rise and be a light – for your light shines!

Light shines brightest in darkness and can change everything – that’s what we are seeing in the Philippines. Nothing is impossible with God!


We want to make space for the Holy Spirit and make Jesus known everywhere. We want to follow his call and take the gospel to the streets of Manila and the furtherst corners, especially to the poor and needy, the addicts and the hopeless. We want to meet the need in their hearts, which is even greater than the outward need we see everywhere. We pray that his kingdom will come, that people who come from broken backgrounds with no prospects will get completely transformed to the extent that they will proclaim the gospel and minister to people. We want to see this divine transformation happening – in the lives of individuals, whole cities, regions, all over the Philippines! His will be done – on earth as it is in heaven!

Faith and Love in Action

Worship and Prayer

Jesus is always worthy of our worship! The foundation of everything we do is first and foremost to make room for him, to honor him and to worship him. From there we go to the streets and worship him there, too. We see the atmosphere change in hopeless, poverty-stricken places like prisons or slums as we lift up Jesus and pray for these places.


Proclaiming the gospel, the message of the cross, has power – whether in prisons, at street corners in Tondo or in our homes where people can encounter Jesus. The cross and the Good News are the center. For God's word never comes back void!

Living in Community

In everything we do, we are first and foremost a family. We live together in different houses and share our lives with people who are seeking help with us. This is how we live out discipleship in everyday life, for we believe that discipleship is very practical!

Mercy Ministries

Helping the poor and needy was a priority in the life of Jesus and is a pillar of our ministries in the Philippines. With all the needs we face every day, we pray that our hearts will not become dull. We want to embrace God's mercy anew every day and then go out to serve people.


We believe that God wants to send more missionaries from the Philippines! That's why we want to invest in young people who are hungry for more of God.

Our homes and ministries

Set Free Center

Help for Addicts

A home and program for adults who need help and want to start a new life.
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Father’s House

Children's Home

A place where we live as a family, for children who have no home.
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Tondo Base

Mission & Mercy Ministries

Community life and various activities in Tondo, one of the poorest areas of Manila.
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City Mission

City Mission Ministry

Outreach, evangelism and prison ministry in Manila and beyond.
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Training Center

Training Center

A future school where we will serve, train and equip the body of Christ.

Sharing experiences with God


Support us with your donation

Support us financially. All our ministries are funded by donations, and without so many who faithfully invest, we could not do any of this. Thank you for your support!

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Where to find us


You are welcome to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

HELP Philippines – CMC, Inc.
New York St. Brookside Hills Subdiv. 495
 RP-1900 Cainta, Rizal

Information on the protection of your personal data can be found in our privacy policy.

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