
We send out publications on a regular basis containing information about our missions in general, current projects, mission updates and personal testimonies. Don't want to miss out? Subscribe to our mailing list and we will keep you updated!

Unser Weg

"Unser Weg" is the joint magazine of FCJG and HELP containing news, testimonies, input and encouragement from around the world. It is published twice a year and we are sending it to you by mail or eMail.


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Information on the protection of your personal data can be found in our privacy policy.

Postal dispatch

Information on the protection of your personal data can be found in our privacy policy.

Please calculate 4 plus 4.

E-Mail Newsletter

Subscribe to our general and cross-ministry eMail newsletters.

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Information on the protection of your personal data can be found in our privacy policy.

National Newsletters

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Some of our international missions send out their own eMail newsletters where you find the latest news, testimonies or prayer requests. The newsletters are published on an irregular basis. You may subscribe by using the links below.