Make your space wide ...
Beyond the existing ministries, there is room under the umbrella of HELP to follow the word of God and step onto new ground in other countries.
The bible is full of promises that the whole earth will be filled with the glory of God and that we should and may ask God to give us the ends of the earth as our inheritance. To us, this also implies being constantly on the move, making room for new things and ushering people into following God's Word. We believe that God's promises are all “Yes” and “Amen” and that he is calling us to enter the promised land. We do this through worship outreaches, scouting out countries and places and listening to what God is saying. We are currently in the following countries as we seek to obey God's Word:

60.000 prostitutes, surrounded by an entire city full of sex tourists, and debauchery – if the gospel is needed anywhere, it is here! Jesus' anointing is recorded in Isaiah 61: To bring Good News to the afflicted, to bind up the brokenhearted and to set the captives free. This is our mission to serve the city of Pattaya, Thailand as a nation and its neighboring countries.
It all stars with worship, prayer and proclaiming this very Good News. At the same time, it is our heart’s desire to open our community to women in need to provide room for them to experience God's power. We also invest into and train Christians to go and share Jesus in Southeast Asia. Simon and Karin with Lea, Salome and Elisabeth went to Thailand in October 2023 to live out this vision and to exalt Jesus in Pattaya.
East Africa
Over 20 years ago we had a missions base in Uganda ... and today, God is bringing Africa back to our attention. The Holy Spirit is touching the nations of Africa and transforming the countries and their people. We are joining this move of God and want to be available anywhere He wants to use us. The short-term outreaches of the last few years have shown that the doors are open in Africa.
Dunja and Tom Koch carry Africa in their hearts and are looking for next steps in doing missions there. God is calling us to go to the poorest of the poor, where no one wants to go, so they can receive his kingdom. In particular, he has placed Northern Uganda on our hearts where we minister the gospel and compassion to South Sudanese refugees, share God's love with them, and invest in discipleship.


The young generation in Japan is deeply troubled, yet so much on God's heart! Many are trapped in addiction, depression, fantasy and loneliness. God wants to pour out his Spirit on them so that they find an open door to new life in Jesus.
For the past couple of years, we have been doing short-term outreaches to Japan and very strongly feel that NOW is the time for Japan. The Spirit of God is truly hovering over the country. We are praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and worshiping in the country together with the body of Christ. We are eager to see what God has for us in Japan in the long run. Please pray with us that the right doors open up and above all that Japan will be filled with the glory of God!
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