


Outreaches are short-term opportunities of 2-4 weeks. Are you ready? Then let's GO!

Outreaches 2025

Currently there are no set dates for outreaches in 2025, however, we are working on options – so please check this site for dates. If missions is on your heart and you are interested in going on a short- or long-term outreach, you may check out Mission Experience or contact us using the contact form with your specific request.

It is a privilege to know Jesus and to encounter his love that changes everything! Going and reaching out to people and nations equipped with that love is a double privilege. Are you looking for this and wondering how to go out it? We want to provide opportunities for people to take steps and get moving. An outreach can be just that step to enter into your calling or to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus and experience how he expands your horizons. Outreaches are short-term opportunities of 2-4 weeks. For a deeper and longer look into everyday missionary life, there is Mission Experience, where the name says it all - info here. Ready? Then let's GO!




"During the outreach I realized that God doesn't focus on my ability or how much I know. It's all about walking on water by faith. I was privileged to see God touch, heal and deliver people through me. And I saw that he really does provide everything if we are willing to go!”

Czech Republic


"The outreach to Manila opened the door to world missions in my life. It was my first time on an airplane, my first time outside of Europe, and I felt the love of God for the poorest of the poor. I was very touched by the street children in Tondo and felt God's presence so strongly. During the outreach I received my calling and God put his heart for Asia in me!”



"Seeing people healed through a simple prayer and the laying on of hands showed me one thing: All you need is a heart that loves Jesus! The outreach to Uganda showed me how easily anyone can preach the gospel. It's just so wonderful to look into the happy faces of people who are hearing the Good News for the first time.”



"I went on an outreach and one thing I know for sure is that if God wants me to go somewhere, he will get me there. I have seen his provision on all levels. No matter where I go, God is with me! Being able to see how God uses you and how much you can bless people is extremely encouraging.”

Where to find us


You are welcome to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

HELP International e.V.
Wislader Weg 9
58513 Lüdenscheid

Information on the protection of your personal data can be found in our privacy policy.

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