We are an international missionary community that believes in the all-changing power of the cross - for individuals and for nations. HELP International was founded as a global branch of FCJG to minister to people, to bring hope into the darkness, and above all to make Jesus known. We do this by first and foremost making room for the Holy Spirit to work among us and by lifting up nations and places in prayer and worship. Out of this we proclaim the gospel, share our lives, and serve the poor and needy through mercy ministries and relief efforts. We want to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit to see people getting saved and this world transformed. Therefore, we are committed to mobilizing the body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission as God's people. That is why we invest into training and sending missionaries to see people respond to their calling, including working hand-in-hand with our missionaries and local staff. We believe that the kingdom of God is a movement and that God is looking for people who are moved by him – and we want to be such people!
We want crown Jesus with the harvest, walk alongside the Holy Spirit and in fellowship with the body of Christ.
Jesus purchased complete salvation, healing and restoration through the cross. We want to make him known especially to the poor, the needy and the addicted.
We especially set a focus on young people to stand with and equip them taking steps towards the mission field.
Current HELP Leadership

Arion Roffler
Arion Roffler has been senior leader of HELP International and FCJG Lüdenscheid since May 2022. He is Swiss, has lived in Lüdenscheid since 2013 and is married to Lydia. His life is driven by one passion: more of God, more of God's power, healing, signs and wonders. This is what he walks in and this is what determines his view and vision when it comes to the nations. One of his slogans is, "God is not complicated!" He passes this on to others and lives it out in his leadership.
Walter Heidenreich
He is the founder of HELP International and has been instrumental in shaping our ministries abroad. He continues to support and advise HELP to this day. Walter is an internationally credited and well-known evangelist and apostle. On his travels, he is often a guest with the international HELP teams, who enjoy organizing events with him that attract hundreds and thousands of people. Walter is a visionary man of God who has access to people of all generations and walks of life, serving the body of Christ across denominations.

- There is only one God, who is eternal and is three persons in one – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- The bible is the ultimate and sovereign Word of God, inspired by God.
- Through the redeeming work of Jesus on the cross, the way is open to turn to God to receive forgiveness of sins, healing on all levels, and eternal life.
- There is one body of Christ, with believers of all denominations, which God is preparing as his bride.
Most important: You must have a call from God! There are several ways to find out and get to know us, i.e. short-term outreaches, visiting one of our mission bases. Feel free to touch base with us! Since we are not an organization in the first place, but an international community, it is vital that you get to know us and agree with the way of faith and live we lead. We are looking forward to getting to know you!
HELP International is the missions branch of FCJG. Our history and DNA are the same: FCJG is HELP's spiritual home. That's why we cordially invite you to visit us in Lüdenscheid.
We are located in the Philippines, Mongolia, Austria and Texas. Pioneering ministries are currently being established in Thailand and Uganda, and we are moving into other countries such as India, Japan, Israel and Switzerland. We are excited to see where God will lead us.
"Those who belong to no-one belong to us!" Wherever we go, we serve the poor and needy first and go to those no-one sees. That will always be our emphasis, even though we certainly open our doors to people from every walk of life. Another group we care deeply about is the young generation – reaching them, investing into them, and releasing them.
Our history
When the founders of HELP International, Walter and Irene Heidenreich, were living together with other leaders and friends in the early days of FCJG, their focus was mainly on ministering to drug addicts and to people in Germany. However, very quickly God spoke to them about world missions and that this was also a part of our calling.
One vital key was a vision that Walter had, "I saw a world map, and I saw the Wislade (our center in Germany) teeming with young people who then went off and disappeared in the map. They foremost went to Asia and China, but also in other countries around the world.”
We started out with a doing small outreaches in order to set foot on international territory. However, a very clear word came from Detmar Scheunemann, a long-time WEC missionary, challenged us by saying, “We need people who are going long-term!” This word stirred us to the core, and God gave momentum to our missionary work.

Key Dates
First missions trip to Asia with an FCJG team of 26 people.
The body of Christ in Austria calls, “Come and help us!” The first long-term missions team is sent to Vienna and establishes a drug rehabilitation program.
Asia Conference (first missions conference) with Mark Buntain and Jackie Pullinger-To. In the course of the conference, Mark Buntain passes the torch of world mission to FCJG - the beginning of long-term missions work outside of Europe.
Sending out the first missions team to Asia. Destination: Manila (Philippines). A drug rehabilitation center is established. Further ministry branches develop over the years.
Pioneer outreach to Mongolia with Walter Heidenreich.
A missions team is sent to Bangkok, Thailand; a drug rehabilitation center is established. More ministry branches to serve the poor and needy follow. Due to the rapid development of this international mission in Mongolia, we felt the need of a different vessel than only FCJG in Lüdenscheid. HELP International, Inc. was founded in 1994, aiming to support our missionary work and creating space for development and growth. From there missions continued and has grown.
A long-term mission in Mongolia is established.
We go to China! A drug rehabilitation program is established.
The GET READY movement is born: teams go to Mongolia for short-term outreaches, crisscrossing the country with prayer and preaching the gospel. More than 33,000 people come to faith in Jesus Christ. The nation experiences revival.
The second GET READY missions congress is held in Switzerland. We organize a worship concert for Jesus in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia – no audience. Tengerin Doo is born!
Going West – to Texas! A team works among homeless young people (Runaway Kids) in Austin.
HELP International celebrates its 25th anniversary ... and we know it's just the beginning! We are grateful for God's faithfulness over the years, for all the nations we have been able to reach for him and for the legacy God has entrusted to us. And we are expectant for what he will do in the years to come. The mission has not changed and we are ready for our story to continue to be written in the decades to come.