All Stories | Austria Story

Experienced with the Holy Spirit

Time and again, we have visitors who live with us for a shorter or longer period of time. They often experience the Holy Spirit in a profound and transformative way.
Here they tell us themselves:

“In Vienna, I gained a whole new love for my country, the Czech Republic. We were in the House of Prayer and I suddenly had to cry so much for the people there. I know God wants to save them all. I am happy to go home now because the people there should also hear about Jesus. I am so grateful, because I have been praying for this for many years.”

“Just being in the parking lot, I felt a powerful presence of God. As I lay on the floor in the prayer house, it flowed through my body like a river and it kept coming like waves. God is so good.”

“When I was lying in bed, I had an encounter with Jesus. I could look into his eyes and I just realized that there was no condemnation at all. I always wished that someone would really understand me, but they never did. And in that moment I realized that Jesus really understands and accepts me. That was so beautiful.”

“My time with you was very much shaped by the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit with a power I had never experienced before. It made me addicted to even more of HIM.”

“In the prayer house, I experienced something like a meltdown between Jesus' heart and mine. That was the encounter I had been praying for. Since then I have been filled with a deep love, certainty and longing.

“I experienced a deep move of the Holy Spirit as we spent time together in the House of Prayer. A yoke of unhealthy worries and pressure has broken and left me ever since.”

“What I have experienced is amazing. I have to start crying again when I talk about it: I experienced the love of God. The Father came in person and was simply there. He showed