All Stories | Austria Story
Upper Room
We have never experienced a gathering like this before. Gathering people from different nations in our house of prayer. Following the example of Jesus' disciples in the Book of Acts, to invite people to an “Upper Room”. The Holy Spirit had shown us this in the summer. We sought His guidance on who we should invite from Asia, Europe, Austria, the USA and Africa.
We didn't have a program. We simply came together under the Holy Spirit. Some found it really hard to settle down, they were so used to always saying, praying and doing something. Others were downright parched and soaked up everything that came in terms of impulses, apostolic teaching and refreshment of the Holy Spirit from the very first moment.
And the treasures of the nations became visible as we ministered to one another: during communion and a foot washing. When the musician from Texas took the guitar for a prophetic song and our friend from Nagaland joined in. When we served our brothers and sisters from Myanmar with prayer and intercession after they had reported on the appalling situation in their country. And simply by spending hours and hours together in the prayer house. Physical healings and deep heart healings happened during these days, intense intercession orchestrated by the Holy Spirit for nations and the body of Christ. Callings were confirmed through prophetic words and prayer. And a deep love and longing for the Holy Spirit and His fire was planted in hearts.
And for us, this time was a very powerful confirmation that God's vision extends far beyond our neighborhood, our city and our country. His kingdom extends over the whole earth, encompassing the nations ... and the Spirit of God is moving ... and we let Him move us wherever He sends us. At the same time, we continue to be moved by this call to the “upper room”. To wait until. To stay until. To pray until ...
“... He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, you have heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not long after these days.” Acts 1:4+5
“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them cloven tongues, as of fire, and they sat on each of them...” Acts 2:2+3
Désirée Fuhrmann, HELP-FCJG Vienna staff member
Here are a few more statements from the international guests:
“The presence of God is so close in the House of Prayer. I would have preferred not to leave, but simply to stay here.”
“The Holy Spirit is basically everywhere. But here is a very special place of his presence.”