All Stories | Mongolia Story

Free from Alcohol

My name is Purevdorj and I am 46 years old. I used to be addicted to alcohol and due to my addiction, I was homeless. My family had given up on me. I was lonely, withdrawn, wouldn't talk to anyone, lied and stole. In March 2021, I stayed at the HELP Shelter for the first time. It was the difficult time of Corona and lockdowns. It was also the first time I heard about Jesus and the gospel. And that there is a place called "Way of Hope" where you can be set free from alcohol addiction. A month later, I went there as a guest. After I got to know the Lord and started believing in him, one day I realized that all those things like loneliness, closed-mindedness, the need to drink – all of that, without me even realizing it, had just completely disappeared! I was free and a different person. I am really very thankful to Jesus!

I have since moved to Bayan-Ulgii and am helping with our ministry there. I hope that the Good News will spread even more in Bayan-Ulgii and that the Kazakh people will get saved.
